An Update to Our Community

Since many of you have been asking, we’d like to let you know that Farmer Bill is currently at home on hospice, surrounded by family - both kin and nursery family - at the center of the nursery, his life’s work.

After a six-year battle with complex cancer and liver failure, Bill is now letting nature take its course and, after all the decades of hard work and providing, he’s able to rest, receive, and take comfort in all of his accomplishments.

It is a bittersweet time.

Recently, Bill shared about how much each of you have meant to him over the years. Your support - in every way imaginable - has been one of his greatest joys.

He’s been reflecting on the years of gardens planted, pests treated, chickens raised, and yards landscaped. Recalling stories of laughter and projects that he was able to help inspire and help you complete.

Bill came from a very small family of origin, and being part of your lives, and having you all be his community, helping him realize his dream, has been the gift of his lifetime.

He said it to you each time you were at the counter, but know that he has carried his love for each of you, and your families, in his heart.

His success has been a place where no one would ever be alone, where they could be surrounded by nature and opportunity, and hobbies that healed and brought joy.

From all of us from the Tall & City Farmers family, we thank you. The days to come will involve a lot of grief for all of us.

We ask that you be tender with our team, as they’re navigating a six-year challenge, a pandemic, and grief. If you’d like to post a message, below, as you think of Bill, please do, or drop off your written wishes in-store.

Posted on January 22, 2021 .