Local Pumpkin Patch: City Farmers Nursery

pumpkins_for_carving_san_diegoSan_Diego_pumpkin_patchLocal_pumpkin_patch_in_san_diegoLocally grown pumpkins are now available throughout the nursery. We have both carving pumpkins, and baking pumpkins, and in the true spirit of a pumpkin patch, you get to wander the nursery grounds to find the perfect gourd!

Say hello to our baby goats and their mama while you're in for a visit!



Posted on October 8, 2012 and filed under Uncategorized.

Zucchini Contest Winner: 6lbs 3.25oz


City Farmers from around San Diego hauled their zucchini's down to City Farmers Nursery on a gorgeous Sunday in October.

They received free, organic seeds in July and went to work!

Farmer Bill welcomed participants, and we learned about the growing methods used by each - traditional in-ground growing, container gardening, and even olla irrigation techniques.

2012 Zucchini Growing Contest Contestants

Then each contestant's zucchini was weighed-in at our bulk amendment scale by Farmer Bill.

Our winner was Phillip M. of Clairemont, San Diego with his 6lb 3.25oz zucchini - the very first seed he and his wife planted in their new yard!

Zucchini Contest Winner

Here's Farmer Bill and Phillip - Phillip holds his prize zucchini and Farmer Bill holds the Zucchini Trophy with Phillip's name on it.  Next time you're in the nursery, check out the trophy.

Bill Tall City Farmers Nursery


15lbs: the total amount of zucchini was grown by these local gardeners.

6lbs 3.25oz: the winning zucchini weight

0: the number of contestants who fertilized after planting

$100: the prize first place won

Posted on October 7, 2012 and filed under events.