Celebrating 48 Years


A BIG thank YOU from Farmer Bill on 48 years.

Farmer Bill, owner of City Farmers, reflects on our 48th Anniversary. Here’s his thank you, and reflection, to each of you –

To our customers, friends, employees, suppliers, and supporters

City Farmers was opened on November 20th, 1972, and with a lifetime of joy I reflect on the many, many wonderful memories of the last five decades of opening. Here are a few I’d like to share with you.

When I was 8, I got to come down to the property, which looked much different than it does today. I got to help my dad, Nate, and I learned so much.

At that time, we were more of a roadside weekend stand, where my Dad would sell things like fruit, eggs, and firewood. I can remember one of our first customers who would come down for firewood – $5.00 a wheel barrowful. Together, we’d load up his car – a black, four door, Lincoln Continental. When we were done he would give me a silver dollar as a tip. I’ve kept them all, nearly sixty years later.

I started the nursery at the age of 16, thanks to the advice and encouragement of two high school teachers. I was the new kid on the block, and I was lucky enough to come work in an industry where we’re all friendly. The senior nursery owners would share tips, and encourage me as I put my own unique spin on owning a retail nursery.

Graduating high school, I lived in a 15’ travel trailer on the property and pursued my associate’s degree at the only Junior College with a Horticulture degree. How important it is to support these programs so everyone can have a chance at finding their dream job!

Over the years, the nursery has expanded, and my family has grown. Raising three kids, and bringing my aging parents down to live at the property, having them be part of what you are all part of – the City Farmers Family. In those years, we upgraded from travel trailer to a double wide mobile home, and decades later, we built the farmhouse that’s the hearth of the property.

I worked as my own contractor on the house and while running Nate’s and the nursery, our community came together in a wonderful way – dozens of volunteers, friends, and customers, came and we had a “barn raising” where we framed the house in a weekend. Each day I get ready, I am surrounded by the support I have had in building this dream.

You have supported us during recessions, droughts, and now Covid. Thank you for being the most important part of our success – for telling your friends, for choosing us when it’s easier to head to a Big Box Store, for being kind to our employees and for being patient with our parking challenges.

Not that long ago, I was the new kid on the block, and it’s a privledge to be able to inform and encourage upcoming horticulture students, plant enthusiasts, and both first time and seasoned gardeners as they enjoy dirt under their nails and the joys of gardening.

Stay well, happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate - my family, team, and I are thankful for each of you, and each of these 48 last years.

-Farmer Bill

Posted on November 20, 2020 .